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  • International Student Support
  • Supporting Undocumented Students
  • Supporting Undocumented Students at Goucher College

    Updated October 10, 2019

    还有全国范围内加大驱逐非法移民的消息 as highly publicized litigation surrounding attempts to limit or end the Deferred Action for Childhood Program (DACA),这在云顶集团大学的无证学生和国际学生中引发了疑问 the Goucher community that supports them. Goucher will continue to monitor developments 这可能会影响学院及其学生、教师和工作人员,并更新社区 as appropriate.

    Questions & Answers

    What support does Goucher College offer to undocumented students?

    云顶集团录取学术上合格的学生,并为他们提供校园服务 regardless of their immigration status. Many offices within the Division of Student Affairs, including the Counseling Center, the Office of Residential Life, and the Center for Race Equity and Identity, offer support services to students. Individualized needs and assistance are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

    受影响的学生被鼓励与国际学生凯伦·赛克斯联系 顾问,作为一级联系人,以协助导航个别学生的问题 and circumstances. Conversations might include discussion of financial resources, 联系法律资源,了解立法支持的宣传工作 childhood arrivals, and/or emotional support. Individual legal advice cannot be provided. 大学牧师也可以与学生进行保密对话 seeking support.

    What is DACA?

    童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划(DACA)是由总统颁布的行政命令 Barack Obama in 2012 that provides administrative relief from federal deportation 法律和就业许可的某些合格的无证个人谁 came to the United States as children before June 15, 2007.

    On Sept. 5, 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) initiated the phase out of the program. Several lawsuits have been filed against the administration for terminating DACA unlawfully and the situation regarding DACA is currently in flux.

    An explanation about DACA and the timeline of this litigation can be found on the website of the National Immigration Law Center. To stay informed on the latest DACA litigation–related developments you can follow NILC on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to its email list (sign up at www.nilc.org).

    I am a DACA student. What changes can I expect?

    Because of the ongoing changes and litigation surrounding the DACA program, it is important that DACA students work closely with an immigration attorney to take all reasonable precautions related to their personal circumstances. In addition, if you 如果DACA学生有工作授权,你应该监控相关的发展 to your employment authorization closely.

    云顶集团编制了一份资源清单,可供CREI使用,其中包括当地机构 and attorneys who may be able to provide free or low cost services to undocumented students. Resources related to immigration legal assistance are available online.

    Comprehensive information about DACA can be found on the website of the National Immigration Law Center.

    I am a DACA or undocumented student. Can I study or travel abroad?

    由于情况的不确定性,云顶集团建议DACA学生 consult with an immigration attorney if they want to study or travel abroad. Students 还应该与全球教育办公室协商,讨论其他方法吗 完成学院的留学要求,不需要离开 country.

    I am a Goucher faculty or staff member. What should I do if an immigration enforcement agent contacts me requesting information about a student?

    云顶集团大学的教职员工被提醒遵守所有适用的法律和 college policies, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 根据FERPA,所有学生的教育记录,无论他们的移民 status, are protected from disclosure to outside parties. This includes students’ 地址,课程表,家庭成员的信息,还有 immigration status, and similar information.

    Goucher’s FERPA Policy outlines the situations in which Goucher is permitted to disclose information from student records to third parties. Generally, the college cannot release information 从学生教育记录到外界,包括联邦探员,没有 permission from the student, a judicial warrant, a subpoena, a court order, or as otherwise required by law. Although the college is permitted to disclose “directory information” to outside parties, Goucher employees are instructed to consult with the general counsel before responding to such a request if the request is outside the regular course of business (e.g., request of a student’s transcript).

    然而,重要的是要记住,联邦探员为什么 可以联系云顶集团或在校园,包括日常合规事宜相关 to Goucher’s normal operations. The Department of Homeland Security and its enforcement 美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)拥有广泛的权力,而云顶集团 是否需要在与无证学生无关的问题上与他们合作. For example, federal immigration officials may contact Goucher’s staff or come to campus in connection with Goucher’s international student visa sponsorship program and not for purposes of locating or detaining an undocumented student.

    如果联邦移民局或当地执法官员联系云顶集团的雇员 要求有关学生的信息,员工必须遵守FERPA和联系 the Office of the General Counsel for further guidance.

    如果一个政府官员来到校园,要求见一个学生或要求 documents about a student?

    Employees should follow these steps:

    • 拨打校园安全办公室(410-337-6112),然后护送政府人员 to the Office of Campus Safety to talk to the college’s legal counsel. Tell the agent that this is the college’s policy.
    • 校园安全办公室将通知政府总法律顾问办公室 agent’s presence and requests.
    • 校园安全主管和法律总顾问将与代理商会面并核实 the agent’s identity and the contents of the legal documents, before questions are answered or documents provided.
    • 如果出示了有效的逮捕证来逮捕社区成员,没有紧急情况 在特殊情况下,云顶集团会将搜查令或法院命令通知社区成员 and escort such person to the Office of Campus Safety to meet with the agent. This 无论出于何种原因出示搜查令,云顶集团的操作程序是什么 in situations involving an undocumented student.
    • If a valid warrant, subpoena, or court order has not been presented, Goucher will not provide information from education records to the government agent.

    学校校园安全办公室对提问有什么规定 and apprehending individuals based upon immigration status?

    The office’s policy is not to inquire about a person’s immigration status. This includes 犯罪受害者、证人或其他打电话或接近警官寻求帮助的人. This is consistent with the office’s longstanding practice. The office wants all individuals 可以放心地报告犯罪,与警察合作或向 the officers for assistance. If undocumented individuals believe that reporting a crime, sharing information with the police, or seeking help from the police could 由于他们的移民身份对他们产生负面影响,他们不太可能 do so. That is not in the best interest of their safety or campus safety generally.

    What is the difference between an ICE detainer and an arrest warrant?

    ICE“拘留者”是ICE向州或地方执法机构提出的要求 在个人释放日期之后再将其拘留48小时 so that ICE can arrange to take custody of the individual. State and local law enforcement agencies are not obligated to enforce ICE detainers and many agencies have chosen not to do so.

    In contrast, an arrest warrant is a legal order issued by a federal or state judge 或在判决后授权逮捕和拘留个人的裁判官 有可能的理由相信该人犯了刑事罪.

    无证学生应该担心被移民和海关执法部门逮捕吗 while on campus?

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has a policy in place that advises against enforcement actions at schools or churches. These are considered “sensitive locations.” A FAQ on sensitive locations can be found on the ICE website.

    云顶集团的公共空间对公众开放,而学院则不开放 是否有能力禁止联邦执法官员进入学院的公共场所. 然而,像校内宿舍这样的居住空间被认为是私人的, and federal enforcement officials are not permitted in such spaces absent a valid criminal warrant or consent from the resident. An administrative warrant alone does not permit ICE officials to enter a private residence.

    What if an undocumented student is subject to an order of removal from the United States?

    云顶集团没有干预移民法庭诉讼的法律能力 if a member of our community is detained or subject to an order of removal. Immigration court proceedings are federal administrative hearings. However, Goucher may write 在解雇听证会期间,为该学生提供信件和其他支持 in the immigration court if the student is otherwise in good standing.

    In the unfortunate event that a Goucher student were to be subject to removal from 对于美国,云顶集团将在其权力范围内采取一切合理的措施来缓和 the student’s transition. Such steps and support will depend upon the individual student, 他或她的学术计划和进展,以及国外的资源,并将进行评估 on a case-by-case basis. Such support may include, but is not limited to, providing expedited readmission if the student can return to Goucher; helping place the student 与外国机构合作,包括云顶集团的全球合作机构之一; and guiding the student in continuing his or her studies through distance learning when available in the program of study. Goucher administrators and academic advisors 将与受影响的学生单独合作,评估实际的选择和 best path forward.